
About Us
Wellspring is a nonprofit education and retreat center and organic farm whose mission is to inspire and teach people to grow, prepare and eat healthy food. In so doing, we transform food systems and build community. Programs in wellness education, ecology and gardening, the arts and personal growth have been offered to the public since 1982.

History of Wellspring
Wellspring was founded on March 1, 1982 by Mary Ann Ihm. As an educator, Mary Ann sought to create a holistic learning environment, one that would help people live in harmony with themselves and the earth. The first Board of Directors met in April, 1983. Programs were held in Milwaukee. In 1987 the country location was found and in spring of 1988 Wellspring moved to Newburg, WI and began a CSA, the longest running CSA in Wisconsin.


Wellspring Farm and Property
Wellspring offers a quiet country setting, nestled in the Milwaukee River Valley with 36 acres of gardens and nature trails, woods and meadows, ponds and prairies, and an outdoor labyrinth. Over 80 species of birds have been identified on the grounds, which are also home to other wildlife. The space is known for its relaxing, calming and rejuvenating qualities, yet we are only 35 minutes from downtown Milwaukee.

On-site there is a 6 acre certified organic vegetable farm, 1 acre education garden, a solar heated greenhouse, 4 hoop houses for season extension, a small flock of laying hens, apple orchard, herb garden, perennial flower beds and 30 acres of wildlife refuge.